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Author: Lois Budesheim

Public Access(Allemansrätten) in Sweden – A Right

Coming from a society where private property is everywhere and “No Trespassing” signs are the norm, experiencing Sweden’s Right of Public Access feels like a breath of fresh air. Exploring nature freely without constant barriers and restrictions is incredibly liberating.  Let me explain. I fondly remember heading out for the day as a young mother with two small kids in…

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Swedish Cuisine (Husmanskost) – Classic Everyday Swedish Food

Swedish cuisine is characterized by simple, hearty dishes often featuring fresh, locally sourced ingredients. The Swedish people are very centered on health, which factors into their food choices. Fish is a popular staple since it is very plentiful. This is easy to see since Sweden is surrounded by the sea in basically all directions. As you make your way around…

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Condensed History of Sweden

Introduction: This is not an all-inclusive history. It is intended to give a historical overview of how Sweden has developed as a nation. It doesn’t go into each of its wars, victories, or different reigns. It highlights the significant events that brought it to where it is today. The name Sweden was derived from the Svear, or Suiones, a people…

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